Shepherd Enterprises |
Remote Accounting Solutions creates on your desktop a transfer icon that gives you the ability to transfer to Shepherd Enterprises either a review file or a working file of your QuickBooks data. All fees for this transfer service are paid by us and there is no fee paid to RAS by your firm. In addition to transferring to us your QuickBooks file, it backs up the data on your computer and ours, eliminating the need to create back-up disks or CD’s. In 2006, Remote Accounting Solutions added a third feature called RAS Netviewer. The Netviewer button allows us to share your computer screen. We give you a six digit pass code number over the telephone, which opens up your computer, so that we can "Point and Click" together. This is a great teaching tool. There is no software to learn and no additional hardware to purchase. For us to look at your transferred data your computer doesn’t need to be on, so you can transfer us your QuickBooks data at the end of the workday or even at the end of the week, turn off your computer, go home knowing that Shepherd Enterprises is reviewing your data nights and weekends at our standard rates. My clients who use this service are thrilled with this transfer tool, as it can eliminate paying Shepherd Enterprises travel time and we can talk them through their QuickBooks issues via the telephone. They fax or email us their issues; we research them when necessary, so that when we are commutating via the telephone we are very efficient. Time on the telephone is only billed by ¼ hour increments. This has proved to by a WIN WIN solution, as it cuts down wear and tear on us in travel time and SAVES our clients a lot of MONEY.
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